Sunrise Tech Center Adult EducationLocation Detail Page
Class, Job Skills & Programs
- *SJUSD Instructional Assistant Work Skills
- Adult Basic Education/GED® /HiSET®
- Clinical Medical Assistant (Externship included)
- English as a Second Language
- GED® Test Preparation
- High School Completion/Diploma
- High School Diploma Program
- High School Equivalency - GED Test Preparation
- Introduction to Medical Terminology
- Introduction to Medical Terminology Program
Registration Instructions
Sunrise Tech Center in Citrus Heights is our main campus, offering a full range of academic, career training, and personal enrichment or community education classes. To view current class offerings and complete registration information, visit our school website at https://adulteducation...

San Juan Adult Education 2023-24 Catalog
7322 Sunrise Blvd
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Phone Number:
Fax Number:

Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges