Water and Wastewater ManagementJob Certificate Program Detail Page
Job Certificate Programs
How do I register?
To register for classes, first visit http://success.losrios.edu/ to learn more about the California Community Colleges application, financial aid, orientation, and other resources. For more information, please contact the Folsom Lake College Admissions Office at (916) 608-6500.
Los Rios Community College District
The certificates in Water Management and Wastewater Management prepare students for employment with private and municipal water and wastewater treatment facilities or industrial treatment plants. Water and wastewater management involves the administration, operation, and maintenance of water and water treatment facilities, as well as distribution and collection systems, and recycled water. Opportunities are provided for students to obtain work experience and internships with local water and waste water agencies and providers. The program is designed to meet the competencies required for those wanting to enter the field, and to also enhance existing abilities for advancement or promotion of those already employed in the field.
Refer to the Class Schedule for each school term to obtain information about specific dates and times for courses and other satellite locations where courses may be offered. Class Schedules for each of the four colleges can be found at: http://www.losrios.edu...