Early Childhood EducationJob Certificate Program Detail Page
Job Certificate Programs
How do I register?
To register for classes, first visit http://success.losrios.edu/ to learn more about the California Community Colleges application, financial aid, orientation, and other resources. For more information, please contact the American River College Admissions Office at (916) 484-8261.
Where is this Job Certificate Program?
American River College
4700 College Oak DrSacramento, CA 95841
Los Rios Community College District
Early Childhood Education (ECE) coursework emphasizes the theoretical and practical knowledge needed for working with culturally diverse children from birth through age eight. Training combines classroom instruction with hands-on community work experience. Employment opportunities are available as classroom teachers, child development specialists, early primary classroom aides, infant and toddler caregivers, early intervention assistants, and children's center directors or administrators. There are several associate degrees in ECE with an option to transfer to a four-year university for career advancement potential. Multiple certificates are offered in specialized areas of ECE and vary by college.
Refer to the Class Schedule for each school term to obtain information about specific dates and times for courses and other satellite locations where courses may be offered. Class Schedules for each of the four colleges can be found at: http://www.losrios.edu...